Afternoon of Praise 2024
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Our Eleventh Annual

Praise Celebration


will be held

two nights this year !

Saturday, August 17th

at 5:30pm

& Sunday, August 18th

at 2:00pm

at THe Ritz THeatre

on tHe Square in

Historic Talladega, AL


All proceeds from this amazing weekend go to support what we like to call our three hometown missions.

We sing because we love the Lord! We sing because we love praising His name in song and bearing witness of His love, grace, & mercy toward all of us! And we sing to lift up our fellow humans and contribute to the betterment of our community!

We appreciate you all and sincerely thank you for your contributions and support.


Click each link to learn more about these wonderful organizations.


We would like to send out a very special thank you to the wonderful crew from Sound Solutions of Oxford, AL. You always go above and beyond in meeting our audio and lighting needs. Your skills play a major role in the success of our events! You are greatly appreciated.


And to our family at the Ritz Theatre… there are no words to express what it means to us to be able to call the Ritz our home. Thank you for all you do for us and for the community we both love so much. We’re truly grateful!



Afternoon of Praise

The 11th Annual Afternoon of Praise

at The Historic Ritz Theatre

in Talladega, Alabama.

AUGUST 17th & 18th


Tickets are $20 & available now!

All funds raised from this gospel music

event supports The Red Door Kitchen,

The Samaritan House and

The Talladega County Drug Task Force.

Together, we can make a real & positive

difference in our community!

Won’t you join us in this

unforgettable experience…